Fleet starbase
Made by NGTV ™
"Why do we need starbase?"
Starbase projects
To open up all possibilites of starbase we need to contribute to starbase projects. Click on Ctrl+G(fleet screen) and check "Holdings" tab. Projects are split into 2 groups "Starbase projects" and "Starbase special projects".
"Starbase projects" group
Projects for provision add some XP also(50%) but main goal is to add "provisions" to some of the categories(eng, mil or sci) for our fleet. This provisions are spent when fleet members purchase special equipment from starbase stores. Therefor equipment in starbase stores is not unlimited but must be added there by joint effort. Fleet screen offers general but somewhat cryptic total of available provisions so it's the best to check availability when you open the store in starbase. Above available equipment list there is a total number of provisions for that item.
"Starbase special projects"
"Upgrading" projects are most important projects for starbase. They need a lot of time to complete but after completing them new features are added to starbase as well some XP is added to overall XP. They absolute priority when contributing especially in case of fleet marks(check separate article for earning those).
"Special" projects are ment to be used by fleet members to boost there own fleet credits. After requirements are filled it only needs 30min to start a new one. This is mu least favorite project(although I have contributed to that myself) as it actually allows build up of FC status and not only your life time FC status but Leaderboard status as well without actually contributing to something useful(more on that in separate section).
Few more notes
Projects are halted until all requirements are met. Only then timer starts. So buy filling requirements as fast as we can we are speeding up overall starbase progress.
Fleet credits
The main usage of Fleet credits(FC in further text) is to show how much each fleet member is contributed to fleet. They are also used to purchase fleet equipment, weapons or ships. Equipment/Weapons are Ultra rare Mk XII with 4 traits instead of 3 and ships are stronger variants of those offered through C-Store or general ship requisitions.
Lifetime FC can be checked through inventory in the Assets tab and they are spent during purchases and if you switch fleet these are transferred with you.
As I have noted on the forums current earning of the FC is not really 100% fair so some items yield less and some more FC in comparing to their general value(for example in EC). I personally try to balance between what is usable for me and for a fleet ie. give both profitable and unprofitable contributions. Until something is changed in this matter I would recommend that everybody practices the same to keep things going.
Details about FC rewards you can check
Made by NGTV ™
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