Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Discussion: are the rules for promotion from recruit to member too difficult to achieve ?

Discussion: are the rules for promotion from recruit to member too difficult to achieve ?

Any member can give his answer here http://deepspacealliance.blogspot.ro/p/fleet-rules.html

Also, on the right side you will see a poll, fell free to vote. You must to log on Google to vote.

The results: 
33 votes for keeping the 20.000 fleet credits as a requirement for promoting from recruit to member
11 votes against it

Fleet decission: the requirement stays in place


  1. No.
    The only problem if they no active project to donate.
    As I say in other comment, some FED fleets have 100k for promotion.

    Deep Space Klingon Force

  2. The rules are fair and if someone really wants a promotion all they have to do is a few fleet mark missions every day. The requirements are completely reasonable.

  3. being active also gets you a promotion.... so participating in events, being active in chat, fleet mark donations...all these things mean that you are commited to the fleet and deserve to reap the rewards
